Today's Beautiful Gem: "Sakuntala" by von Goethe translated by Eastwich

"Willst du die Blu:the des fru:hen, die fru:chte des spa:teren Jahres,
Willst du, was reizt und entzu:ckt, willst du was sa:ttigt und na:hrt,
Willst du den Himmel, die Erde, mit einem Namen begreifen;
Nenn' ich, Sakuntala, Dich, und so ist Alles gesagt."

"Wouldst thou the young year's blossoms and the fruits of its decline,
And all by which the soul is charmed, enraptured, feasted, fed?
Wouldst thou the earth and heaven itself in one sole name combine?
I name thee, O Shakuntala, and all at once is said."

Note: The subject of the piece, Sakuntala, is Kalidasa's heroine in his
celebrated drama `Abhijnaanasaakuntalam'. The symbol : following a vowel
may be considered as the diacritical mark for the German umlaut.

Om Santih! Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
