Today's Beautiful Gem: `For Love of the Dark One' by Mira Bai
translated by Andrew Schelling.

1) "Come to my bedroom,
I've scattered fresh buds on the couch,
perfumed my body.
Birth after birth I am your servant,
sleep only with you.
Mira's lord does not perish---
one glimpse of the Dark One (Krishna)
is all she requests."

2) "Friend, though the world sleeps,
the abandoned go sleepless.
From inside the palace
at a window, counting the planets,
someone threads teardrops onto a necklace.
The abandoned go sleepless.
Night has suddenly vanished and Mira,
Mira has missed the hour of pleasure,
missed the Dark One (Krishna) who
stripped her of pain."

Note: Mira Bai (1498-1550) was a rebel before many modern rebels
were born. She was not only a saint, but also a fighter against
the social injustices of the day. May be, the readers will give
the original Hindi versions for the above and many more.

Om Saantih! Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
