Today's Beautiful Gem: 'Aravindam' (Lotus)
from 'Sri Krishnakarnaamrta' by Leelasuka

"citram tad etac caranaaravindam
citram tad etan nayanaaravindam |
citram tad etad vadanaaravindam
citram tad etat punaramba citram ||

"Those wondrous lotus feet are here,
those wondrous lotus eyes are here,
those wondrous lotus face is here;
The wonder's here again, O mother, the wonder!

"karaaravindena padaaravindam
mukhaaravindena vinivesayantam |
vatasya patrasya pute sayaanam
baalam mukundam manasaa smaraami ||

"With his lotus hand his lotus foot
he thrust into his lotus mouth,
The child God lay on a nest of fig leaves;
I think of Him with all my heart!"

Om Santih! Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
