Today's Beautiful Gem: `Godavari, you and I' by M. Udayakala

1) nIvAoDDu nEnIoDDu
mana madhya pAre talli gOdAri

IdangalEnu gOdAri
rAdokka paDava I dAri
nuragalatO taragalatO
parugulu tIsE talli gOdAri
mari nEnu ninucEri
manasAra mATADuTa eTulO

konDalavenuka pOyindi poddu
gunDelalOna lEcindi saddu
I rAtirilO I vAnalO
varada gOdAri dATuTa eTulO
mari nEnu ninucEri
manasAra mATADuTa eTulO

2) I velugulO I vennelalO
gOdAripaina oka paDavalOna
podAmu padavE pOdAmu

uppongipOyindi gOdAri
oDalEmaracindi gOdAri
kaDalirAzunu cEra gOdAri
birabirA sAgindi gOdAri

gOdAritalli naDiboDDununDi
tsUdAmu rAvE tsukkalarEni
tsakkani tsukkala lekkiddAm
pakkuna iddaram navvEddAm
| On that bank are you, on this bank am I,
| And between us flows the Mother Godavari.

| I cannot swim the Godavari,
| and no boat is coming this way;
| With foams and with waves,
| the Mother Godavari is leaping ahead.
| How am I to reach your side?
| And how am I to exchange sweet-nothings
| with you?

| The sun has gone behind the hills,
| and a throb has arisen in my heart;
| In this night and in this rain,
| how can I cross the flooded Godavari?
| How am I to reach your side?
| And how am I to exchange sweet-nothings
| with you?

| In this bright light, in this moon-light,
| let us row on the Godavari in a boat;
| Let us go, dear, let us go.

| The Godavari is rising happily;
| The Godavari is forgetting herself;
| To reach the Lord of the seas,
| The Godavari is moving rapidly.

| From the middle of the Godavari,
| come, let us watch the moon;
| Let us count the beautiful stars,
| Let us just laugh together.

Note: It's common in India to personify rivers as mothers, viz., gangA
mAta, kRSNamma, and, annai kAvEri. Similarly, you'll find the words
talli gOdAri in the above songs. GOdAri is a popular variant of gOdAvari.

om s'aantih: Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
