Today's Beautiful Gem: `I...You...Love...' by M. Udayakala

Om... Om... Om...
I... You... Love...
I am... You are... Love is...
I am here... You are there... Love is everywhere...

I am here thinking, you are there dreaming,
Love is knowledge and fantasy.
I am here writing, you are there waiting,
Love is hope and expectancy.
I am here praying, you are there wandering,
Love is worship and pilgrimage.
I am here fasting, you are there wasting,
Love is a religion lasting.
I am here half-dead, you are there half-alive,
Love is forever full and awake.
I am here counting days, you are there counting nights,
Love is timeless and uncountable.
I am here locked in space, you are there bound in time,
Love is a space-time continuum.
I am here a mortal, you are there a human,
Love is immortal and divine.

I am here... You are there... Love is everywhere...
I am... You are... Love is...
I... You... Love...
Om... Om... Om...

om s'aantih: Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
