Today's Beautiful Gem: "You reside on those hills"
by Devulapalli Krishna Sastry from the film "Bhagyarekha", translated by me.

"nIvunDEdAkonDapai nA swamI,
E lIla sEvintunO,
E pUla pUjintunO ||

"s'rIpArijAtasumaAlennO pUcE,
I pEdarAli manassentO vEce,
nIpAdasEva mahAbhAgyamIvA,
nA paini daya tsUpavA,
nA swamI? ||

"dUrAnanainA kanE bhAgyamIvA,
nI rUpu nAlO sadA nilvanIvA?
EDukonDalapaina vIDaina swamI,
nA paini daya tsUpavA,
nA swamI? ||
"My Lord, you reside on the top of those distant hills,
I dwell on these grounds at the base,
How am I going to worship you?
O, what flowers may I offer you?

"Lots of parijata flowers have blossomed;
This poor woman's heart is waiting patiently;
Would you give me the joy of pleasing you?
Will you please shower your mercy on me,
my Lord!

"Allow me at least to see you from afar;
Allow me to imprint your image forever in my heart;
You, who have the seven hills as your abode,
Will you please shower your mercy on me,
my Lord!"

om s'aantih: Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
