Today's Beautiful Gem: `I Don't Search' by M. Udayakala.

They say that He does penance in the depths of Manasarovar;
May be; sure He does penance in the depths of my heart's lake.

They say that She resides in the temple on those breast-like hills;
May be; sure She resides in the heart under my breast.

They say that It permeates the shoreless space of the universe;
May be; sure It permeates the boundeless space of my mind.

I don't search for Him; like a father He is looking for me always!
I don't search for Her; like a mother She is caring for me always!
I don't search for It; like a flash It is focussing on me always!

Om s'aantih: Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
