Today's Beautiful Gem: `The Song' by the Nepalese poet Balakrishna Sama.

"Krishna played on the charmingly juicy flute.
In the town of Mathura,
In every house
In every room
In every fold of the heart
The air began to tremble in concord with the flute.
Krishna played on the charmingly juicy flute.

"The grasses fell down from the mouth of the cows,
The fishes came out of the water.
The peacocks were lost in meditation,
So they dropped down their feathers on the Lord,
And the cuckoos and the nightingales,
Tearing off their breasts with their own nails
Fell down on the branches of the trees in concord with the flute.
Krishna played on the charmingly juicy flute.

"The milkmaids began to weap bitterly in happiness,
After some time like the golden images they remained motionless,
The river of adoration was profusely flowing,
And Krishna began to smile,
The whole universe dozed in ecstasy,
The Heaven and the Earth kissed each other,
The eyelashes of the milkmaids began to be entangled in concord
with the flute.
Krishna played on the charmingly juicy flute.

Om s'aantih: Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
