Today's Beautiful Gem: `On the shores of
Bharat...' by Rabindranath Tagore,
translation based on that of Aurobindo Bose. (Part II)
"Hethaa ekdin biraam-biheen mahaa onkaar-dhwani
Hriday tantrey eker mantrey oothechilo ranrani.
Tapasya-baley eker analey bahoorey aahooti diyaa
Bibhed bhoolilo, jaagaaye toolilo ekti biraat hiyaa.
Sei sadhanaar se aaradhanaar Jaggashaalaar kholaa aaji dwaar,
Hethaa-y sabaarey habey milibaarey aanata-shirey -
Ei Bharater mahaamanaber saagar-teerey.
"Here one day in the hearts of men the
solemn sound of OM reverberated
unceasingly. In the fire of tapas'ya all differences were
and the many forged into one. At that sacrificial altar, we all
to meet with bowed heads and unite on the shores of Bharat, where
of all races have come together.
"Sei homaanaley haro aaji jwaley dookher rakta-shikhaa.
Habey taa sahitey, marmey dahitey - aachhey se bhaagyey likhaa.
E' dookh-bahan karo more mone, shono rey eker daak.
Jato laaj bhay karo karo joy, apamaan doorey jaak.
Doohsaha byathaa hoye abasaan Janma labhibey ki bishaal praan.
Poha-y rajani, jaagichhey janani bipool neerey -
Ei Bharater mahaamanaber saagar-teerey.
"In that sacrificial fire, the blood-red
flame of suffering is aglow.
O my Mind, bear this suffering and hear the call of the One.
all shame, fear, and let vanish all humiliations. What enriched
will emerge at the end of the days of unbearable suffering! The
ends, and the great Mother is awake on the shores of Bharat,
where men
of all races have come together.
"Eso hey Arya, eso Anaarya, Hindu, Mussalmaan,
Eso eso aaj toomi Ingraaj, eso eso Christian.
Eso Braahman, shoochi kori mone dharo haat sabaakaar.
Eso hey patit, karo apaneeto sab apamaan-bhaar.
Maar abhishekey eso eso twaraa Mangal-ghat ha-y ni jey bharaa
Sabaar parashey pabitra karaa teertha-neerey -
Aaji Bharater mahaamanaber saagar-teerey."
"Come, O Aryan and non-Aryan, Hindu and
Moslem, come, O English,
Christian, come, O Brahmin, purify your mind and link the hands
of all. Come, O downtrodden, and let vanish the yoke of your
humiliation. Tarry not, come you all to anoint the Mother, the
auspicious vessel is yet to be filled with the water sanctified
the touch of all on the shores of Bharat, where men of all races
have come together."
Om s'aantih: Peace! - Indrani Nandy and J. K. Mohana Rao