Today's Beautiful Gem: A Ghazal by the Mughal
poet Mir,
translated by Ralph Russell and Khurshidul Islam. (Part II)
"If only she would lift the veil from her face NOW. What will
it profit me if when my eyes are closed she unveils herself for all to see?
"What can we do with the black and white of this world? If
anything, then only this, that we can see the night out with
constant weeping, and bear the toil of the day until evening comes?
"At morning in the garden she walked out to take the air. Her
cheek made the rose her slave, and her graceful stature made the
cypress her thrall.
"I held her silver-white wrists in my hands, but she swore, and
I let them go. How raw and inexperienced I was to trust her word!
"Every moment I beseeched her, and this has brought all my efforts
to nothing. Her proud indifference increased fourfold with every
time I importuned her.
"Such a timid, fleet gazelle does not easily lose her fear
of man. Those who have tamed you have performed a wonder,
as though by magic power.
"Why do you ask at this late hour what Mir's religion is? He has
drawn the caste mark on his forehead and sat down in the temple.
He abandoned Islam long ago."
Om s'aantih: Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao.