Today's Beautiful Gem: `Love in Spring' probably by Louis Savary.

    "In coming from winter to spring, love suffers. But soon its
    suffering is turned into blossoms and bursting, grass-green
    joy, warm air and rainbows. It is young and free and above
    all alive. Springtime is Easter when love rises from the
    earth, never again to be broken or destroyed. Love in spring
    is buttoned and belted, ready and waiting to meet life. It
    is eager to try new things. If Easter love is hurt, it
    forgives. If love in spring does any harm, it is quick to
    set things right again. Spring love is irresistible and
    radiant. Listen to love in spring as it grows."

Om s'aantih: Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
