Today's Beautiful Gem: An aSTapadi on Spring by Jayadeva (Part II)

virahi-nikRntana-kunta-mukha+AkRti-ketaka-danturita+As'e [5]

It is beautiful spring time,
The white flowers of karuNa trees
look as if they are laughing at the shy and suffering lovers;
The ketaki flowers appear like the kuntAyudha of Kama
ready to split the hearts of the separated lovers.
Krishna is strolling here...

mAdhavikA-parimala-lalite nava-mAlati-jAti-sugandhau
munimanasAm api mohanakAriNi taruNa+akAraNa-bandhau [6]

It is beautiful spring time,
The pleasant aroma of flowers
such as mAdhavika, mAlati and jAti,
besides being an unexpected friend to the young,
is a source of attraction even to hermits' minds!
Krishna is strolling here...

bRndAvana-vipine parisara-parigata-yamunA-jala-pUte [7]

It is beautiful spring time,
The budding mango trees seem to be shivering
when hugged by the atimukta creepers;
Surrounded by the waters of the river Yamuna,
the woods of Brindavana are sacred.
Krishna is strolling here...

s'rIjayadeva-bhaNitaM idaM udayati haricaraNa-smRti-sAram
sarasa-vasanta-samaya-vana-varNanam+anugata-madana-vikAram [8]

It is beautiful spring time,
Narrated by Jayadeva, this has its theme
the worship of Lord Krishna's feet,
and the depiction of the environs of Brindavana,
in the season of spring that enhances youthful passions.

Enjoy the ashhTapadi in rAga vasanta and contemplate on the various
colourful spring flowers described in this song. If possible, imagine
Brindavana, Sri Krishna, and several bhaktas in the form of women
longing for Him!

Om shAntiH Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
