Today's Beautiful Gem: `goodbyes' by M. Udayakala.

"...when the great and just son of the emperor
     was hugging his beloved pregnant wife
     on the day before her departure to the dark woods
     he knew he was never going to see her again
     goodbyes are always difficult and emotional...

"...when the young and protected son of the king
     was leaving his beloved wife and their new-born son
     on the night of his departure in search of the unknown
     he knew he was not going to see them again for a long time
     goodbyes are always difficult and emotional...

"...when the loving and pained son of man
    was dining with his friends and followers
    on the evening before his departure to suffer and bleed
    he knew he was never going to see them again
    goodbyes are always difficult and emotional...

"...when the old and the tiring in the sunset of their lives
     perceive all that is around them with regret and sadness
     on the eve of their departure to the realms beyond
     they know they are never going to see us all again
     goodbyes are always difficult and emotional..."

Om s'aantih: Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
