Today's Beautiful Gem: Description of spring, from Kaalidaasa's R^itusaMhaara.

"drumaaH   sapushhpaaH    salilaM               sapadmaM
striyaH        sakaamaaH       pavanaH              sugandhiH   |
sukhaaH     pradoshhaH      divasaashcha      ramyaaH
sarvaM       priye                 chaarutaraM        vasante        ||"

"Blossom-filled trees,        lotus-filled lakes,
Passion-filled women,      scent-filled breezes,
comfort-filled morns,       beauty-filled days,
Everything is lovely in the prettiest season-- the Spring!"

mattaH priyaaM chumbati raagahR^ishhTaH           |
kuujan.h dvirephoH+apyayam+ambujastaH
priyaM priyaayaaH prakaroti chaaTum.h                 ||"

"Intoxicated by the nectar of mango blossoms,
the koel kisses his mate happily in love;
The bee too hums around the lotuses
whispering sweet-nothings to his mate."

"aamrii-ma.njula-ma.njarii varasharaH sat kiMshukaM yat+dhanuH+
jyaa yasya+alikulaM kala.nka-rahitaH+chhatraM sita+aMshuH sitaM         |
matta+ibho malaya+anilaH parabhR^ito yadvandino loka-jit
sa+ayaM vo vitariitariitu vitanuH+bhadraM vasanta+anvitaH                    ||"

"The lovely mango shoot is his choicest arrow;
the good kimshuka is his arched bow;
the swarm of bees is his bow string;
the moon is his spotless parasol;
the gentle breeze is his proud vehicle;
the cuckoos are his panegyrists;
May the world-conquering Manmatha,
accompanied by Vasanta,
grant you more and more joy!"

       Note: R^itusaMhaara is the first Sanskrit book ever printed. It was
printed in the Bengali script more than two centuries ago!

Om shaantiH Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao.
