Today's Beautiful Gem: "Goodies" by M. Udayakala.

"Children love their mothers;
They love her hugs and kisses;
children love to devour the goodies
their mothers make in the kitchen!
Well, isn't it a hoary tradition,
passed on to us since the days of Krishna and Yasoda!

"Believe me, I too was a child once upon a time--
O mother,
what salivating and palate-pleasing goodies you used to make!
Samosas, muruku, tEnkulzhal, mysore paak...
the list goes on and on!
For the birth-day of the Child with the peacock's feather,
from dawn to dusk, you used to be in the kitchen,
fasting and preparing the feast for Him and for us,
singing songs and chanting mantraas,
Sri KrihnaH Kamalanaabho Vaasudevo sanaatanaH...
The words still ring in my ears!

"The last time I saw you,
you were frail and you were sick.
My only regret is--
You could not cook and did not serve me, as you used to;
Alas, you are never going to serve me again with your hands!
Of course, I can buy whatever I want to eat.
But they all miss one ingredient-- your love!
My mother, your love, that extra ingredient is missing!

"How I wish I were a child once again!
O mother,
what salivating and palate-pleasing goodies you used to make!
Samosas, muruku, tEnkulzhal, mysore paak..."

Om shaantiH Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao.
