Today's Beautiful Gem: "We lose our soul" by M. Udayakala

TV screens... electronic gadgets...
computer programs... satellite data...
weather information... code-breaking of spies...
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two, one...
Press the button...
out goes the missile
in search of its unsuspecting prey!

A mother was singing a lullaby to her child
A father was helping his child with homework
An old man was immersed in reading the sacred texts
An old woman was reliving the memories of the days past
A patient was brooding over his impending surgery
A woman in labour was shrieking to expel her labour of love
A farmer was cursing the vagaries of the monsoon
The newly wed were making love as if there is no tomorrow
Out of nowhere appears a missile tipped with destruction
Life evaporates along with the dreams of the living
Death takes control of the place
where Life ruled a moment ago!

Democracy is    people's choice...
Democracy is    people's power...
Is mass suicide  people's choice?
Is mass murder people's power?

War is always bad...
Men go in search of glory, honour and death...
Women are left behind as widows...
Children are left behind fatherless...

War is always bad...
But nuclear war is worse...
The world is anesthetized into oblivion...
We lose our mind... We lose our soul...

Om shaantiH Peace! - J. K. Mohana Rao
